Rabu, 04 Februari 2009


yoooo.......ni dia ada lomba bikin komik lagi lho......untuk m-komik batasnya sampai tgl 22 maret....masih lama lho! info lebih lanjut lihat disini

ayo buat anak2 REIDCORE kemarin kan ada tantangan dari saya untuk bikin komik untuk di blog kita ni.....

bagaimana kalo itu juga sekalian kita ikutin buat ni lomba lumayan lho...!! itung-itung sekalian ngangkat nama kita n menunjukan eksistensi nih.

ayo REIDCORE semangat!!

4 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

wahh keren nih... hadiahnya juga oke keren...

tapi yang kemarin ja lom kelar aku...

tambah lagi disuruh ikutan lomba karikatur diskul...

ada yang bisa bantu ide ga???

tentang pendidikan gituh...

Zia mengatakan...

itu hapenya musti pake telkomsel yah...

lagian ukurannya kecil banget. mana bisa dibaca?? apa ini komik khusus buat HP?

tolong info lebih lanjut. coz di m-komik sendiri, infonya ga jelas.

daftarnya apa juga harus pake reg-regan gitu? aku paling ogah main reg-regan... mahal...

RamonXick mengatakan...

ia chuy.. waktu liat reg-reg-an q jadi langsung males...


Anonim mengatakan...

Gaming has truly become a hobby for anyone with interests that run the full gamut. Computer Games are a great way to just have some fun and relax once in awhile. The following paragraphs have some really good ideas regarding online gaming, so pay attention!

Don't abuse your game ps3 and its accessories. Doing so could shorten their lifespans. Gaming devices are extremely fragile. Before you know it, you could destroy your wii or one of the controllers. In addition, you should never throw down your controller whenever you're angry because you could destroy your controller, which will end up costing you lots of money.

Watch your body when you play computer games. If you are playing video games, try sitting on a exercise ball to help you maintain proper posture. Also, be sure and take regular breaks and stretch every so often.

If you have a kid and they get too aggressive when they play too many online games, you may need to put them into some sort of a time out. Give him a 10-minute warming, and then call an end to the game. Suggested activities include exercise or playing outside. This will focus his mind on something less stressful.

Be bold and give lots of kinds of online games a try! Most people tend to play just one kind of game. By experimenting with various kinds of video games, you create a more exciting experience.

It can be helpful to play a trial version of a game you are unsure about purchasing. Trials let you test the game out first to see if it's something you like playing. If you enjoy the trial, you can make the purchase.

Nintendo's Wii online game system is good for people who want to get in shape and increase physical activity levels. The Wii works with your own body movements and has an array of games that incorporate fitness.

To save money, consider purchasing used games. The cost of new video games are $60 or higher depending on the title. This price is bad enough as it is, but it can a real downer when the game is delivered and you find that you absolutely hate it. By purchasing a used game, you could save 25-50% on the game you want.

Make use of subtitles. Looking for a way to hear the dialogue much better due to the overwhelming noise of those loud games? Subtitles fix that problem. Look for audio settings in the options menu. If you look carefully through the menu, you should be able to locate the subtitles feature.

You can get good deals by purchasing used video games. It is a good idea to buy a disc cleaner if you buy a lot of used games, though. You never know what sort of shape your game will be in when you do this. If your discs are really dirty a good cleaning kit will help to restore them. It is a good idea to look at several cleaning disc options. There are many kits like this on the market.

Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.

The world of computer games gets bigger and better over time. But there are many choices to make where gaming is involved. This article has helpful advice for both players and parents. Follow the ideas presented here to learn how to choose and purchase online gaming with confidence.